Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fresh Start for 2012

So what? I'm a believer of new year's resolutions and having a brand new start! I want to jot down my bucket list for this year and I hope that when the year ends, I'll have more check marks than x's. So here goes:

10. Passport - Kevin, a very good friend of mine, once exclaimed how could I have no passport at my age.. He said, it's one very important document to have...Oh well, I'll get one this year :-) I may even get to travel out of the country..who knows?

9. Leather wallet - As a mom, I'd rather spend less but I realized that my wallets never last long-they tear and some chip perhaps I need to reconsider on something that lasts..

8. Longer hair - I can count with my fingers how many times I grew my hair long..perhaps this year I can add the number.. :-)

7. New home - Hurrah! We're moving out soon..don't have exactly a fix date but we're definitely doing so

6. Better lessons in FHE - I think as a mom I am very creative with my lessons in family home evening but I also know I can do more like be prepared more.. I need to work on that

5. Exercise - I'll walk all the way from Mabolo to my house from work twice a week..

4. Temple Attendance - I'll visit the temple at least once a month and do baptisms with the youth

3. Calling - More dedication and love for those I serve- including visiting teaching

2. Wife Duty - Dan knows what I mean with this.. More love, understanding and patience..

1. Remember my worth as a child of God- I felt I need to rededicate my life to my Savior and my Father in heaven and feel the worth I have as His daughter.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wish You Were Here

The good thing about technology is that it makes life easier and work faster. Recently, we watched a movie that talks about machines and how they lessen human effort. I agree with it very much and come to think of it, I cannot imagine to be someone who lived a hundred years ago where one must do all that haaarddd wooorkk...
However, I saw an ad that made me pause and think about the joys of life when it was simpler. I remember growing and all we ever played with are tin cans, rubber bands, sticks, leaves, and all other scraps we can imagine to be of use of. I remember that it wasn't the best toys but we had the best time. We played under trees, run on wide fields and eat fresh fruits.We get bruised, cut and scraped and no one really cared much as long as we had fun. Those moments were priceless and I hope my kids would get to experience them too. But technology is four year old manipulates a mouse, uses my cell phone and my six year old can access his favorite website..My husband and I go out to have some quiet alone time and suddenly his cellphone beeps and boom! there goes our alone time up in the clouds..We have to hurry and be someplace else. Gosh! life has changed so much. But deep down, I still wish that I could make things simpler and let my boys run and play to their hearts content. I still hope that I can have my quiet alone time with my hubby. As long as there's tomorrow, nothing is impossible.
Here's the ad I was talking about

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Life's Twists and Turns

When one faces a challenge, it is but typical that the individual goes through different coping phases until he reaches acceptance. This I have been taught in my Psychology class. But the study of behavior does not necessarily puts one prepared to every challenge or adversity that may be thrown at his doorstep. As the saying goes " You'll never know till you're under that situation" still holds true to me and to my family.
I have heard stories of different kinds of cancer and how they afflict an individual and his loved ones. I have had friends who died from this disease and yet, when I learned that somebody in my family has it- I felt I was lost and helpless. I believe I wasn't the only one having these emotions for I can see that my family was in a state of shock and denial over the whole matter. My mother-in-law was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last Monday. The news hit us hard. Tears poured uncontrollably and sleepless nights followed. After days of contemplation and private talks with my husband, we placed our faith into action. As I quote his words, "we will fight this till the end." I agree with him that attitude towards the disease can greatly contribute to a person's healing. It is our hope that our mother would also have the courage to fight this disease and continue to live life. We do not erase the fact that all our hopes have limitations. We trust in the knowledge that as a family, we can be together eternally as we strive to live our lives righteously. Knowing that the blessings of the temple are within reach make us all hopeful that whatever happens, we can be together forever. This is enough for now...we will take each step one at a time and look forward to better days ahead.

Monday, April 18, 2011

My kids and their quirky lines!!!

Henry's First Card to me
Of Age and Dying

When Henry started going to school, he learned about opposites like young and old. I don't know why, he seemed to associate age with dying. So he would ask questions like:

H: Ma, am I young?
Me: Yes, you're only 5
H: Is 30 old?
Me: (Pause) Hmm..Not really.
H: So what age is old?
Me:Hmm, when a person's age is near 100.

A few days later, we went to visit his great-grandmother and then he asked me how old she was. When I told him that she's 85 yrs. old, he blurted out "That's so near 100 Ma!" I'm sure you know what's in his mind. :)

Learning about Faith

One time in family home evening, my husband and I tried to teach our boys about the principle of faith.We said " Faith is believing in something or someone. So when you believe in something even though you don't see it but you know it's true- that is faith." And then we show them pictures of the Savior and how we believe in Him even if we don't see Him physically. After a while, my husband added (knowing our sons love basketball) that faith can also be used in basketball..such that if you believe you can make a shot, then it will happen.
The next day, when we got home from work, our eldest son was so happy to announce to us "I already have 5 faiths Dad!" So my husband asked why..and then he replied " Because I shot the ball 5 times today while playing basketball!" :)


Parents need to correct their children when they do wrong.It's also a form of love. Many times kids just keep on doing the same things over and over again that parents get annoyed of like not keeping their toys, playing with the water faucet, pulling the cat's tail (they might get bitten). Anyway, when I try to remind my kids about certain things, I always have this line " How many times do I have to tell you.."One day, my son requested something from me which I honestly forgot to do. To my surprise, he came to me, both his hands on his hips and exclaimed "How many times do I have to tell you, Ma!" (tsk,tsk! :))

Friday, April 15, 2011


We live in a world of of opposites- there's night and day, light and darkness, happiness and sadness, satisfaction and unending desires. Despite this knowledge of opposites, we tend to hope of getting only the better parts- all the negatives we try to avoid as much as we can. But, we shall never be spared of getting the bad parts. There will be sunny and gloomy days ahead.  How we respond to these situations can however, make the difference.

I remember a good friend of mine who had hormonal imbalance and as a result, must have her thyroid gland removed. This came a shock to me because I've always viewed her as a very healthy person and she seems to be very careful about her health. While having a conversation with her, she told me that "we will never know what our lot in life be". I felt her strength and I sense that she accepted and understood why these things happened to her. She taught me that life is indeed full of surprises whether for the good or for the "not so good."

I remember one of a favorite scripture verse which states that " For it must needs be that there is an opposition in all things.." Every time I remember this verse, I am reminded that all things have their purpose and that I can learn from them if  only I choose to. Sometimes, in my despair or listlessness, I tend to search for an easy way out, not thinking of the later consequences. I'm just grateful that although I have made mistakes and have stumbled, I have a loving husband who is my teacher and my best friend. My kids sustain me with their untiring energy and they give me hope for the future. Most of all, I am truly grateful and indebted to a loving Savior who I know is there to be my mediator and friend.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


My first born graduated kindergarten last month. It seemed like yesterday when he was cradled in my arms so delicate and small. He was beaming at me when he saw me waving at him on his way to the stage to get his certificate. I felt an engulfing wave of pride and joy as I watched him move closer to us after the ceremony.

It's a great blessing to be a mom. It gives me a sense of fulfillment that somehow I have walked through life and managed to take the responsibility of caring for someone else. I'm looking forward to every milestone that my kids make and I hope to be there on every single endeavor they wish to take.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Something about Helaman

I have a little boy of three,
Who likes hugging and kissing mommy.
He lets out a smile when he sees me frown,
And says sorry when he lets me down...

I wonder if he ever knows, have i truly let it shown
How much love I have for him, how much gratitude I have to have him

Just the other day while he lay asleep, I whispered I love u on his ear.
I thought he wasn't awake to hear, when I heard him say I love you too on my ear..
A tear trickle down my face as I heard him say...
Truly I am blessed to have him I say.